It’s Time to Start Making Yourself a Priority

Between work, kids, and other responsibilities, it’s easy to forget about your own physical health and wellness. But it’s not just your body at risk. When we don’t take care of ourselves, our emotional well-being and productivity suffer as well. Do yourself a favor and start making yourself a priority. Everything else will fall into place once you do.

Why Do We Ignore Ourselves?

Focusing on ourselves is often seen as an act of selfishness, so when other responsibilities arise, caring for ourselves is the first priority to go. We sacrifice our own health for the well-being of others, or for priorities like that big project at work.

But caring for yourself is not a selfish act, and sacrificing your own health doesn’t help anyone. You’ll do best to make yourself a priority, and that will benefit others around you.

Why Is It Important to Invest in Yourself?

Investing in yourself really works to benefit everyone! By giving yourself the time to exercise, eat right, and engage in other wellness activities, you can reduce stress, boost productivity, and improve mood. When you focus on your body, you’ll also boost your health to reduce physical pain and improve mobility.

All of this, in turn, benefits those around you. You’ll get more done at work and home because you’re in a better mood and are more productive. When your body feels better, you can do more for yourself and the people around you, even if it’s as small as playing with your kids at the park.

How to Make Yourself a Priority

The question isn’t about whether making yourself a priority is important, it’s really about how to focus on yourself. Here are some suggestions:

Exercise Regularly

Exercise isn’t just about regulating weight, but it has many other benefits, including:

  • Combating disease
  • Boosting mood
  • Increasing energy
  • Relieving stress
  • Having fun

You don’t have to hit the gym or even work up a sweat to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Alternatives include going for walks on your lunch break, following yoga tutorial videos at home, going to the park or playing sports outside with your family, and many other creative options.

Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Sleep is equally important to your well-being, and it can help you stay alert, boost energy, and improve productivity. If you always feel like you’re dragging throughout the day, then sleep might be the answer.

Unfortunately, some of us give up sleep to try getting more done throughout the day. In fact, people are getting about an hour less of sleep per night than they did 40 to 50 years ago. Sacrificing your sleep likely isn’t the answer for you. An extra hour of two of sleep per night can leave you rested enough to get more done throughout the day.

Ideally, you should be getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but this can vary from person to person, so find what works for you.

Take a Break

You need small breaks throughout the day to let go of stress and recharge. Although it may seem like you’re only taking time away from your responsibilities, taking a break here and there can help you get more done and boost your mood. Only 20% of people step away from their desk at lunch. You need a break to focus on you.

Whether you do that in the morning, at lunch, before bed, or throughout the day, you need an outlet to reduce stress. Use this time to unplug, take a deep breath, and focus on what you can do to better yourself.

Use Workplace Healthcare Portals

Workplace healthcare portals can help motivate you and your coworkers to participate in wellness programs. They can also track your progress and assess your health risks. By tracking your health and activities, you can pinpoint what areas you need to focus on with your health.

With these ideas in mind, you can integrate time into your day to focus on your own well-being to improve the lives of those around you.