Plans For Wellness

Plans For Wellness: individual behavioral and lifestyle goals

Plans For Wellness generates a list of behavioral and lifestyle goals based on HRA results. Clicking on a specific goal displays recommendations for completing that goal. The employee is able to build, revise, and track completion of items on their Plan for Wellness. A user can always print their Plan for Wellness for easy reference.

Plans For Wellness: User Capabilities

Each user is provided a personalized set of wellness plans based on their HRA and biometric screening results. These plans display on a dashboard where the user can see their active plans and all available plans sorted by topic. The user can start and work through a plan at their own pace as well as repeat any plans. The platform offers Plans for Wellness on a variety of different categories including health metrics, emotional wellness, nutrition, exercise, financial wellness, lifestyle, and sleep


Each plan is delivered in three segments that include understanding the problem, taking steps towards improvement, and maintaining results. The user works through various activities and tips in each section in order to unlock the next section, easily viewing their progress towards completing the plan.

Plans For Wellness: Administrator Capabilities

Administrators can award users for completion of plans through the incentives and rewards functionality within the platform. Through reporting, admins can see which plans are being completed by each user, as well as aggregated data on the eligibility and overall completion status of each plan.

  • Personalized recommended plans
  • HRA and biometric triggered plans
  • Robust educational content & tips
  • Time-locked plan logic
  • NCQA-Certified for Health Management Tools
  • Comprehensive Reporting