What I can Learn In A Health Screening

health screening

Finding out about a health condition earlier on in its’ course will save you time and money. It will also ensure that you are around long enough to enjoy your kids and grandkids. Interestingly, most people are not aware that the Affordable Care Act made it possible for you to get health screenings for a variety of conditions; and that your health insurance company is required to cover most or all of the cost of a health screening.

Not sure whether a particular health screening is covered by your health insurance? Give them a call and find out. You might be pleasantly surprised.

In this post, we will go over 18 different conditions you can receive health screenings for.

What I can Learn In A Health Screening

Abdominal aortic aneurysm – If you are a man over 65 years and you have ever smoked, you might want to ask your doctor about a health screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm. The aorta is our body’s main artery which carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Smoking can weaken the walls of the aorta and cause an aneurysm that makes blood transport difficult. While an abdominal aortic aneurysm can occur in women, it is more common in men.

Alcohol misuse/abuse and counseling – Screening for alcohol abuse starts with being honest with yourself so you can get the appropriate help.

Blood pressure screening – High blood pressure is also called the “silent killer” because there are hardly any indicative symptoms. The best way to detect it and get it under control is to get screened for it. 

CholesterolNot all cholesterol is bad. However, if your blood contains higher levels of the “bad” kind of cholesterol it can lead to other serious health conditions including heart attack and stroke.  If you fall into one of the risk groups below, you should talk to your doctor about cholesterol screening.

  • Overweight/obese – Although, it is not uncommon for a person of a healthy weight to have high cholesterol as well.
  • Family history of high cholesterol
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoker

Colorectal cancer screening – Talk to your doctor about getting screened for colorectal cancer if you are above 50 years, have a family history of growth inside the colon (a part of your intestines) or a family history of colorectal cancer.

Depression – Depression doesn’t discriminate. It is likely you may face depression if you have recently been through a traumatic life event. Talk to your doctor about depression screening so you can get professional mental health help early.

Type 2 diabetes – Type 2 diabetes is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It is also closely linked with other health issues including kidney failure and heart disease. The good news however is that with proper diet and exercise, Type 2 diabetes can controlled. If you are over 40 years and have a family history of diabetes, this is a condition to get screened for. 

Diet counseling – Diet counseling can be covered by your health insurance if the goal is to help you control a chronic health condition.

Hepatitis B – Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that can damage the liver. It is spread through coming into contact with infected body fluids and blood with an infected person. Injection drug use and intercourse with an infected person can transfer the virus. An infected pregnant mother can also transfer it to her baby at birth. If you regularly come into contact with human body fluids and blood, getting screened for Hepatitis B is a must.

Hepatitis C – Like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C can also be transferred from one person to the next through sex and sharing of needles. The good news is that there is treatment for it and so getting screened for it early is important.

HIV Screening – Although there have been advancements in the treatment of HIV-infected individuals, there is still no cure. If you are sexually active and have multiple partners, HIV screening is something you should consider doing regularly.

Lung cancer – The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends a yearly screening for lung cancer if you are:

  • 55-80 years old
  • Have a 30 pack per year smoking history
  • Currently smoke
  • Or have quit smoking in the last 15 years.

Obesity screening and counseling – Obesity is linked to a plethora of chronic health issues. Eliminating excess weight can therefore curb many of those problems. Obesity screening and counseling to help you lose weight can be covered by your health insurance.

Syphilis – Get screened for syphilis if you are sexually active with someone who might have syphilis or if you have multiple partners. Syphilis is treatable but will lead to death if it is not treated early.

Tobacco/Smoking cessation – Want to quit smoking? This is another health screening program that can be covered by your health insurance.

Tuberculosis – People can have tuberculosis (TB) without knowing it. This is called latent tuberculosis. If you have ever lived in a country where TB is common or living in a large group setting such as a homeless shelter, talk to your doctor about getting screened for TB.

Heart Attack/Stroke Screening – Family history, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, lack of physical exercise and poor diet are all risk factors that can lead to heart attack or stroke. You don’t have to wait until it happens to you. Get screened now.

Falls Prevention – The risk of falling increases with age. If you are at least 50 years old, talk to your doctor about how to prevent falls.

Closing Thoughts

Health screenings benefit everyone. And it is especially important that if you fall into a particular risk group that you seek the right screening to prevent future problems. In this post, we have gone over 18 conditions you can get screened for as well as the risk factors that may compel you to talk to your doctor about getting screened. If you found this post helpful, share it with someone else who might have questions about health screenings.